Q: What is VelaShape III?
A: VelaShape III is a FDA-cleared device used for improving the appearance of cellulite and reducing circumferences. The treatment is for body contouring, shaping and cellulite reduction.
Q: How does VelaShape III work?
A: The elōs technology combines infrared light, bi-polar radio frequency energy and vacuum, which cause deep heating of the fat cells, their surrounding connective tissues and the underlying dermal collagen fibers.
Q: Is VelaShape III painful? What will I feel during the treatment?
A: Most patients find VelaShape III comfortable - like a warm deep tissue massage. The treatment is designed to accommodate their sensitivity and comfort level.
Q: What is the recovery time for VelaShape III? Can I go out later that day after the treatment?
A: There is definitely no recovery time. Patients can go back to their normal activities immediately after the treatment.
Q: What will I feel right after the treatment?
A: It is normal to experience a warm sensation for a few hours post treatment. Redness may occur for a few days.